Welcome to BuddhaBee Collection: What's BUZZING?    July 2020

Welcome to BuddhaBee Collection.

Just who is BuddhaBee and why is she selling unique and interesting handmade art?

Like many tales, it all started at a time when life was a bit more simple many years ago. As a Freshman in college, I found myself in an art history class, an interesting elective class. What did I know about art?  Not much. In high school I took an art class that consisted of a series of interesting hands-on projects. Despite the fact that the art history classes occurred in a darkened room at 8 AM, with three slide projectors flipping through images of different artists' work, while the professor fast-talked his way through the essential information about each image, I was curious. All the while I was struggling to stay awake which was a challenge since I was young, having fun, learning some of life's lessons about becoming a young adult, and struggling to make it to the art classes which were uniformly offered early in the AM. Several more art history classes were in my future.


Over the years, life wound along two circuitous career paths of myself and my husband, separated yet together, joined by our mutual love of art and each other. One path led to a career as a maker of contemporary art furniture and sculpture. The other path followed the evolving cultural changes that emerged as people with disabilities came to gain general acceptance by others as human beings worthy of respect and affection.  Over the years, an accumulation of original artworks made their way into our lives, from functional to sculptural, from primitive to refined.  Our appreciation and personal collection grew in size and variety.


For many years, we lived in Alabama, the home of numerous naive artists who created wonderful two and three dimensional art from available materials. The appreciation we developed for pure creative expression was fostered through ongoing contact with these 'folk-artists' whose execution of delightful visions were crafted in an unrefined manner that amplified the wonderfulness of the creative inspiration. Over the years, naive artists have found a welcoming audience by many, though not all. To each their own is what BuddhaBee says.


Nevertheless, BuddhaBee remains an engigma. She's a former Beekeeper who was seduced into the beekeeping world by her fascination with the 'hive mentality' and by the science of how honeybees work so smartly to survive in the face of parasites and predators. After many years of hosting beehives and selling honey to her neighbors (and having a wonderful logo developed by the talented Deni Javas), she retired as a beekeeper. Her hives had become overcome with pests which challenged the bees ability to maintain hive health when organic practices failed to fight off pests. Though not a beekeeper today, BuddhaBee holds hope that one day she will return to this fascinating hobby.


Time wanders on and we now find ourselves with the Covid-19 overtaking our lives BUT new options present themselves. BuddhaBee Collection is one of those newly opened doors. This website gives BuddhaBee the opportunity to reach out to artists, who create work I love, whose sales are suffering due to the pandemic. I hope the sales they derive from BuddhaBee Collection's sales will smooth some of the bumps those in creative industries are experiencing.


BuddhaBee sits on a lotus flower in serenity as she sprinkles good will among her friends. Arists and You!


We expect to continue to solicit and offer additional creative works of these and additional artists who are masters of creativity.

Won't you join us?