BuddhaBee Collection

We have long contemplated building a stronger online presence and when the Coronavirus pandemic upended the market for artists' work we decided this was the time to create an online marketing venue. Our focus is on some of Craig's work, and other works we love by artists we know and respect. We are starting small by selecting and commissioning works that you won't find anywhere else.
We are also offering a few vintage pieces of Craig's work that have not been available for some time, but that have come our way from private collections. Additionally, we've added a selection of hard-to-find curiosities for the adventurous.
We hope you will find some things in the BuddhaBee Collection that will enrich your life as they have done for ours. Let us hear from you!
Best wishes,
Linda and Craig Nutt
P.S. Among the many hats Linda has worn is a beekeeper's hood - though she has no honeybees at the moment, she is a honeybee lover at heart.
BuddhaBee(tm) Collection is a trade name of Craig Nutt Studio LLC